The Staff Partners temporary work agency offers a modern solution that offers the possibility to flexibly adapt the size of the workforce to the actual organisational needs of the company. It is a permanent feature of the HR policies implemented by effectively managed companies around the world. There are many important responsibilities on our side.
Those looking for temporary work are encouraged to contact our temporary work department. There are always varied job offers in our database for those starting out in their careers and those with work experience.
Employment by a temporary recruitment agency applies to a variety of industries. It is not always manual work, including in a warehouse or production. Temporary recruitment agencies also seek and recruit specialists, for example in office administration, IT, sales, e-commerce, HR, accounting or management or marketing.
What is a temporary recruitment agency and how does it work?
The temporary recruitment agency acts as an intermediary in the search for gainful employment for a limited period of time. Working with such a company means a number of benefits for both employers and employees.
Temporary recruitment agencies are tasked with finding suitable employees for companies that need additional labour for a specific period of time. This service consists of placing employees recruited according to the requirements of a specific position and then employed by a temporary recruitment agency to work for the client.
Staff Partners is therefore responsible for recruiting employees, taking into account the needs of the company in question, and then seconding them to work within its structures. We are also responsible for all formal matters - we are in charge of contracts, payment of salaries, HR and payroll services or payment of social security contributions.
This means that, as part of the service, all administrative matters including calculation and payment of salaries, tax and social security contributions are taken over by Staff Partners.
When is it worth using a temporary recruitment agency?
- headcount limits,
- periodic fluctuations in production,
- sezonowość pracy,
- sickness and holiday absences of full-time employees,
- jobs at risk of staff turnover,
- one-off projects.
Main benefits of working with a temporary recruitment agency
- increased flexibility in personnel management,
- reducing administrative costs,
- focus on the company's strategic objectives,
- transfer of obligations to employees and authorities to the temporary recruitment agency,
- a change in the structure of staff expenses from fixed to variable.
Try & hire
Try & hire is an intermediate solution between temporary work and recruitment. It allows us to determine the employee's ability to adapt in a new environment. After several months of temporary employment, you gain the right to take over the employee on a permanent basis.
More information and the arguments for try & hire recruitment are available here.